The LED Wall Pack Guide You Didn't Know You Needed

The LED Wall Pack Guide You Didn't Know You Needed

Switching to LED wall pack lights can skyrocket your client’s energy savings as high as 70%.

That’s a win for them, and a win for you. Since you won’t be called in for any maintenance for at least 100,000 hours.

During those 100,000 beautiful hours, your client will also benefit from increased safety. In fact, wall packs are typically the go-to fixture for any place needing a security boost.

Criminals hate them. And with good reason.

Their bright and crisp light instantly turns night into day, with no glare or hot spots.

Here’s a look at how wall packs make several different applications instantly better.

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LED Wall Packs in Warehouses:

led wall packs on a warehouse

In 24/7 operations, long-term reliable lighting is an absolute must.

The minute a fixture fails, everything comes to a halt, including profit, as employees are ushered off to the sidelines to wait until the offending luminaire is replaced.

For electrical contractors, this means more time spent on a job you’ve already completed, versus a brand new job….which means less money in your pocket.

Plus, it’s massive amounts of lost time and energy that no facilities manager can afford.

You’re in luck:

Once LED wall packs are installed, they’re designed to last over 76,000 hours – that’s almost 9 years of maintenance-free operation, when used 24/7.

Which also means facilities managers won’t have to worry about stocking replacements or allocating time for relamping.

Instead, they can use that inventory space for other more valuable things. You know, things that actually make them money, instead of losing it. Plus, they can spend their time focusing on other aspects of the facility that might need attention.

Wall packs, with their crisp and directional light, are great for increasing visibility at loading bays and docks, which is essential for safety and efficiency.

If an employee isn’t able to see properly due to dark spots or glare, it could spell disaster for the packages marked “fragile.” Not to mention, other employees who may become injured in the process.

Bright, shadowless LED light also helps security monitor all incoming traffic and read forms of identification, including license plates.

Why does this matter? To help keep out anyone who shouldn’t be there, ensuring that all operations run as planned, while employees and personnel remain as safe and secure as possible.

Sounds like a plan to us. Not to mention, our Product Manager, Andrew. Here's what he has to say about wall packs:

Here’s another great plan:

Check out our How to Light a Warehouse Infographic. It outlines everything you need for your next warehouse project, including the best fixtures to use for the job.

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Wall Pack Fixtures in Educational Institutions:

College safety is a major concern nowadays, especially at night. And for good reason. Many universities haven’t adopted LED technology yet, which means their campuses can be dark and dreary at night, lit by outdated technology, like HID, that yellows and dims over time.

Which doesn’t exactly scream “walk under me.”

LED wall packs, however, do.

With increased visibility and higher CRI's (70+) that bring out the true colors of everything underneath them, wall pack fixtures can enhance feelings of safety and security.

Which is great news for students out for a late-night study session. Or the professor working in her office over-time to review assignments. Or even campus visitors who might find themselves lost.

As we know, colleges can be a place of unpredictability.

Random hazards aren’t exactly rare, but with the uniform light of wall packs to illuminate the grounds, chances are that emergency situations will be discovered more quickly – whether by security or passersby.

Not to mention:

Once maintenance is completely removed from the picture, the former time and money spent on relamping can be spent on more direct educational initiatives.

One university even shared that, once they made the switch to LED, they saved an estimated $42,000 on annual maintenance costs, not to mention an average annual energy cost savings of $92,000.

LED wall pack lights are no joke, my friends.

You may be shocked, but we have an infographic outlining the top luminaires to use for educational institutions too.

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LED Exterior Wall Packs In An Office:

wall pack lights on an office building

Approximately 50% savings in annual energy costs sound good to your office client?

When switching to LED, that savings applies to nearly any application, and corporate campuses are no exception.

Employees can work late. The trip to the parking lot or parking garage should not be one that’s filled with fear, due to darker areas with lighting that just ain’t cutting it. We’re looking at you, fluorescents.

Think of it this way:

Traditional light sources’ lumen output diminishes over time and often creates dark spots.

Not so with LED.

Instead, brilliant white light is spread uniformly, increasing safety levels and making it much easier for security to identify suspicious activity.

Here’s some icing on the LED cake:

Some wall packs have the option to pair with a photocell, which turns off automatically when natural ambient light levels are high enough. These can be used anywhere, from perimeters to parking garages.

The result? Energy savings through the roof.

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Types of Outdoor Wall Packs: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Here’s a quick review of the different kinds of LED wall packs, many of which are defined by DesignLights Consortium (DLC), a non-profit organization nationally known for defining and ensuring quality lighting.

Non cutoff LED wall pack

Up-light is allowed.

full cutoff wall pack light

Must have no up-light.

fixed cut-off LED wall pack

Has a glare shield that doesn’t move or tilt, reducing light pollution.

traditional LED wall pack light

Looks like the old HID wall pack lights. Ah, nostalgia.

architectural LED wall pack luminaire

Sleek design; great for an area where aesthetics are important.

high-output wall pack

Can emit 21,000 lumens or more; a traditional LED wall pack fixture emits around 4,600 lumens.

premium wall pack fixture

Meets higher “efficacy and lumen maintenance requirements” set by DLC.

Fun fact: Before this distinction is ever given, a manufacturer must send in all the test results proving that the fixture’s met all of DLC’s higher level standards.

You can read about those requirements here.

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LED Wall Pack Light Color Temperatures & When To Use Which

Wall pack lights come in all different sorts of color temperatures. But how do you know which one to pick?

We know you have better things to do than research all that, so we did it for you.

Here’s a breakdown of what each of the color temperatures mean, plus when to choose them.

  • 3000K – Warmer, Soft White Light
    • Typically found in residential applications
    • Great for entertaining

  • 4000K – Neutral White Light
    • Bright white, similar to moonlight
    • Gives off slightly bluish, cool hues

  • 5000K – Daylight
    • Blue-white light
    • Best for places, such as offices or display areas, where it’s necessary to see a high level of detail
    • Energizing

    wall pack lights

    Lately, we’ve seen a surge in 3000K. Here’s why:

    • Lower color temperatures in area/roadway, canopy, and garage fixtures are becoming more popular.

    • FSA (Fixture Seal of Approval) requires fixtures to have a 3000K correlated color temperature (CCT) or below.

    • Many major cities, like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago are starting to require 3000K or lower.

    • They may be perceived to have less glare.

    Hey, you’re in luck; we sell them.

    In fact, each of our 3000K LED wall packs are UL/ETL listed and guaranteed to last for years.

    Insider tip:

    If you check out the current promo code at the top of this page, chances are you’ll get yours at a great discount.

    Feel Smarter Yet?

    For steady and reliable safety, wall packs certainly have their place in many, many applications.

    Let’s be honest; they’re a bestseller for a reason.

    Make sure to check out our wall pack page, which pretty much has any wall pack fixture known to man. Or at least known to work properly.

    That’s because of all our LED lighting is UL/ETL certified. Did you know our website won’t touch non-certified fixtures with a ten-foot pole? Nothing is available until it’s been quality tested and approved. That includes LED strip lights, too.

    Still not sure what you need?

    Why not give our lighting experts a ring and get some free layout or installation guidance? That’s what they’re there for, after all. Call 888-243-9445, anytime Monday-Thursday between 6:30 AM-5:30 PM CT, Friday: 6:30am - 5:00pm CT. Oh, and tell Bry we said hi.

    Hey, still want more free stuff? You got it.

    Check out our lighting layout tool. It basically plans an entire project for you. Find it here:

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    Article Written by Jason S.

    Jason is a Product Marketing Manager. His goal is to get reliable and safe products into the hands of customers—all at an affordable price. His client-focused initiatives bring high-quality products to market that exceed consumer expectations while fulfilling the purpose they were designed to achieve.

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