The Best LED Lighting for Schools and Classrooms

The Best LED Lighting for Schools and Classrooms

Benefits of Proper LED Lighting for Schools

Swapping out fluorescent lighting for brighter LEDs in schools is beneficial in many ways. Classroom LED lights are a great way to lower energy costs and improve focus among students and faculty. Not only that, some traditional lighting ballasts are known to contain harmful carcinogens that can result in health issues down the line due to prolonged exposure. Learn more about the different ways LED lights are beneficial for schools below:

Increased Energy Savings

Schools and educational institutions that take advantage of LED classroom lighting typically see a substantial decrease in energy costs. LEDs consume less electricity than fluorescent lights, lowering energy consumption and monthly electric bills. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, LED lighting consumes up to 90% less energy than other light sources and can last up to 25 times longer than traditional light bulbs. That’s a lot of savings over time!

Lowered Maintenance Costs

Schools that use fluorescent lights to illuminate their facilities will face more maintenance costs over time. Since traditional light sources require replacements more often, crew members will have to spend more time switching out lightbulbs throughout the work day.

Lights found in high ceilings, or other hard-to-reach areas, might be challenging to get to and lead to downtime in certain facilities. LED lighting for schools eliminates the need to change light bulbs as frequently, so maintenance can focus on projects that matter more.

Improved Focus Among Students and Staff

On top of saving schools money, LED classroom lights can improve focus and concentration among students and faculty. LED lighting is more adjustable, meaning it can switch freely between white and blue light to enhance productivity. Proper lighting can help students strain their eyes less during the day to absorb information better during class. Additionally, LED lighting helps reduce hyperactivity among children and improves reading speed over time.

Other Health Benefits

The health benefits of LED lights go beyond concentration and cognitive abilities. Fluorescent bulbs and ballasts are known to have carcinogens that can harm the nervous system if they were to break and leak.

Specifically, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency advises schools not to use T12 fluorescent ballasts because they are known to leak small amounts of harmful chemicals during regular usage. Switching to LED lighting for schools can prevent exposure to harmful carcinogens and help students and faculty avoid long-term health issues.

The right classroom lighting can help make a big difference in how well students learn.

Specifically, LED classroom lights can help students better focus while reading and analyzing texts. And, with increased focus, test grades improve, which contributes to higher confidence and self-esteem, not to mention better chances of getting into highly rated colleges.

On school grounds, the right LED lighting can help boost security, ensuring that staff and students maintain a feeling of safety at all times.

Plus, since LED lighting lasts for years, that’s less time spent replacing lighting and more time spent on direct educational plans.

So, what kind of LED lighting should you use to light a school?

LED Downlights

led downlights in a hallway

LED Downlights are typically fitted into hidden areas inside the ceiling, out of sight to viewers. A major benefit? They can be installed in any room, without taking up any physical space.

This allows teachers to have the optimal amount of space geared towards learning, whether it’s educational posters, classroom toys in the younger grades, and cubbies to keep students organized.

What kind of downlights are there?

Gimbal downlights can be moved in multiple directions, focusing light exactly where it’s needed, while surface-mounted downlights are installed just a tad lower than ceiling height.

In schools, you’ll find downlights in hallways, cafeterias, and bathrooms. Each helps students and teachers navigate with confidence.

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LED Flat Panels

led flat panels in school

LED Flat Panels can help improve focus, reduce headaches and eyestrain, and combat drowsiness.

This is because the colder color temperatures of fluorescent lighting send a stress message to the parts of our brains that produce stress hormones, emotions, and muscle tension.

In addition, since fluorescent lighting isn’t as even as LED lighting, it’s harder for our brains and eyes to process, resulting in sensory overload and disruptiveness.

This is why LED classroom lighting helps boost academic performance, making it easier for students to take notes and pay optimal attention while learning.

By simulating daylight, LED Flat Panels also help our bodies keep up with their own circadian rhythm, keeping students awake and alert.

Traditional fluorescents, on the other hand, tend to flicker and produce glare over time, which can be very distracting for students, resulting in missed notetaking, daydreaming, and falling grades.

Additionally, studies have shown that cooler color temperatures, such as 4000K and 5000K, can help improve student behavior by helping them concentrate on tasks and projects.

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LED Exit/Emergency Lights

Reliable LED exit and emergency signs can make all the difference during a hazard or emergency. Their bright light makes it simple to find the way out of the building to safety.

Many exit/emergency signs come equipped with a battery backup that ensures they won’t fail when they’re needed most.

They also keep school buildings up to code. What’s a typical code? Well, some codes state that each exit sign must be illuminated to a surface value of at least five foot candles and that all color must be easy to distinguish from the background.

Larger cities, like New York City and Chicago, have their own codes to follow, so you’ll want to search for exit signs that are approved for use in both cities.

If you’re not sure what your city or town’s exact codes are, try reaching out to your local fire marshal or inspector.

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LED Bollards

Ideal illumination shouldn’t stop once students leave their school doors, especially at night.

This is where LED bollards come in; they can help light pathways and perimeters, making it safer for faculty and staff who stay late grading papers or cleaning the facilities.

Bollards also provide bright and even illumination as spectators make their way back to their cars from late-night football games.

LED light stays equally as bright from the source, all the ways to the ends, resulting in a reduction in dark spots and glare.

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LED Area Lights

led area lights in a college

LED area lights can be found increasing security in school parking lots and along perimeters.

They last longer than traditional technologies – up to 100,000 hours of maintenance-free operation, instead of just 15,000 to 30,000 hours of MH and HPS.

And, with high CRIs, they make it all the easier for security cameras to catch any suspicious activity around the school or campus grounds at night.

LED area lights are available in various lighting distribution patterns, including Type III, IV, and V. Each is designed to allow you to optimally light a space, without any wasted light.

On a college campus, proper LED area lighting increases a sense of safety for students walking back to their dorms from late-night study sessions.

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Questions? Anyone? Anyone?

Have any more questions? Not sure exactly what to buy for your next classroom lighting project? Our customer service experts can help with that.

Not only can they help with your lighting layout, but they can also walk you through installation troubleshooting. Give them a call at 1-888-243-9445, Monday through Friday.

Plus, our website is available to you 24/7, from the comfort of your favorite recliner. And, if you place an order by noon CT, it’ll ship same-day.

Remember, when you choose us, our relationship doesn’t end after you hit the "place order" button. In fact, much of our LED school lighting equipment has 5-year warranties in the rare event that something unexpected happens down the road. Just contact us; we’re always here to help.

Article Written by Clint Y.

Clint is a Product Marketing Specialist. He aims to bring innovative, high-quality lighting to the market that provides a solution to customers’ needs. By keeping the consumer front of mind, he focuses on providing superior customer service and competitive pricing and delivering the best overall experience and value straight to the consumer.